
<2013.8.28> Join us for an evening with Min-Liang Tan! – 28 August 7.30pm in Auditorium (2nd Storey), Shaw Foundation Alumni House, NUS.

Min-Liang Tan is the Chief Gamer and CEO of the Razer Group, the world’s leading brand in gaming hardware, where he plays an instrumental role in shaping Razer’s success in its current years of unprecedented growth both within the company and the gaming industry. As one of the co-founders of the company, he has built the company from inception to a multi-million dollar global organization.
Born in Singapore, he is now based in California where he oversees the company’s global operations spanning offices in the USA, Germany, Singapore, China, Korea and Taiwan.

We welcome you to join us this August, when Min-Liang Tan talks about “Life is Just a Game”.

Details of the event are as follows:
A unique feature of U@live is that not only will it be viewed by a live audience, it will be streamed live through a dedicated website (www.nus.edu.sg/ualive). The event will also incorporate a new interactive application that allows users to post questions and vote for their favourite questions in real time. The event will consist of a 10-minute talk by the speaker followed by a 20-minute interview conducted by Mr Viswa Sadasivan and a 30-minute Q&A session open to the live and online audience.

Date: 28th August 2013 (Wednesday)
Time: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm (Registration at 6:45pm, Seated at 7:15pm, Cocktail reception after event)
Location: Auditorium (2nd Storey), Shaw Foundation Alumni House, 11 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119244

We sincerely hope that you will be able to join us for this event. Please click here to register.

We look forward to seeing you there!

<2013.8.26~27> A*STAR MedTech Convention 2013が、バイオポリスにて開催されました。

Healthcare & Lifestyle Programme Office MEDTECH CONVENTION 2013

26-27 Aug 2013 @ Matrix, Biopolis

Full program

Inaugural A*STAR MedTech Convention 2013 sets scene for future growth of MedTech industry in Singapore

1. The inaugural two-day A*STAR MedTech Convention 2013 organised by A*STAR brings together clinicians, scientists, business figures and global Key Opinion Leaders to share and exchange the latest in MedTech R&D and business developments. The event incorporates the Singapore-Stanford Biodesign (SSB) Thought Leaders Series as well as an exhibition to showcase MedTech projects and capabilities by A*STAR and its partners.

2. Over two days (26 – 27 August 2013), participants will hear from industry leaders in the MedTech sector, including Dr. Bijan Dorri, Chief Technology Officer for Healthcare Systems, GE Healthcare and Dr. Frederic H. Moll, Chairman and CEO of Auris Surgical Robotics and Founder of Intuitive Surgical. There will also be plenary sessions for participants to interact and discuss about nascent topics such as Asian trends in MedTech, clinical trends and challenges, product development and commercialisation.

3. More than 500 participants have signed up for the A*STAR MedTech Convention – this response exceeds the initial target by 20%. In addition to industry partners as well as clinicians and scientists from the R&D community, international experts from the US, Japan and South Korea will also be attending. The overwhelming response, both locally and internationally, reflects an urgent need for a platform like the A*STAR MedTech Convention 2013.

4. “We are encouraged that the MedTech Convention has been over-subscribed and I believe this shows the rising importance of medical technology to our economy. This platform fills a need to showcase Singapore’s unique value proposition for local and international businesses to turn any innovative medical idea seamlessly into commercially viable solutions,” said Associate Professor Tan Sze Wee, Deputy Executive Director of A*STAR Biomedical Research Council.

5. MedTech was identified as a strategic area since it could leverage on Singapore’s strengths in engineering, manufacturing and biomedical sciences. Over the past decade, MedTech output in Singapore has tripled, reaching US$3.43bil in 2012. Additionally, MedTech is the source of 9,000 jobs in Singapore.

6. “I am pleased that we have generated significant buzz in the MedTech sector in just four years since A*STAR initiated the MedTech programme in 2009. Through the collaboration with Stanford in the Singapore-Stanford Biodesign Program, we are nurturing the next generation of medical device innovators; through the collaboration with the community of clinicians in Boston (CIMIT), we are putting in place a process to better develop and testbed solutions in our own hospitals and polyclinics; and through the Biomedical Engineering Program, we have brought together a community of 1,200 clinicians, allied health practitioners, engineers and scientists to interact with each other on a regular basis and funded a portfolio of MedTech projects that will be of relevance to the clinical community. These initiatives have catalysed the growth of private sector activities and public-private partnerships on the sector leading to a richer and more robust MedTech ecosystem,” said Mr. Lim Chuan Poh, Chairman of A*STAR.

7. For more information on the programme and speakers at the MedTech Convention, please see Annex A. Highlights of projects that will be exhibited at the MedTech Convention can be found in Annex B.

About the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)

The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) is the lead agency for fostering world-class scientific research and talent for a vibrant knowledge-based and innovation-driven Singapore. A*STAR oversees 14 biomedical sciences and physical sciences and engineering research institutes, and six consortia & centres, located in Biopolis and Fusionopolis as well as their immediate vicinity.

A*STAR supports Singapore's key economic clusters by providing intellectual, human and industrial capital to its partners in industry. It also supports extramural research in the universities, and with other local and international partners.

For more information about A*STAR, please visit www.a-star.edu.sg

About the Healthcare and Lifestyle (H&L) Programme Office

The Healthcare & Lifestyle (H&L) Programme Office is set up as a strategic initiative for cross-disciplinary research across the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) and the Biomedical Research Council (BMRC). It oversees cluster and industry development of the Medical Technology (MedTech), Food Science & Nutrition and Personal Care clusters within A*STAR as well as throughout Singapore.

For more information, visit www.a-star.edu.sg/healthcareandlifestyle/

<2013.8.19~23> The 15th Asian Chemical Congress が Sentosaにて開催されました。

The 15th Asian Chemical Congress (15 ACC)
Date : Aug 19-23, 2013
Venue : Resorts World™ Sentosa


<2013.8.15> Pacific Biosciencesの Product Manager Robert Tapella氏より『Applications of PacBio SMRT Sequencing in Genomics and Epigenetics Research』の講演がDuke-NUS-GMSにてありました。

Speaker: Product Manager Robert Tapella (Pacific Biosciences)
Title: Applications of PacBio SMRT Sequencing in Genomics and Epigenetics Research

Venue: Amphitheatre, Level 2, Duke-NUS Grad Med Sch, 8 College Road, S169857
(Opposite Singapore General Hospital, Block 6/7)
Date/Time: Thursday, 15th August 2013, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM

DNA sequencing technology has advanced rapidly in the past decade. However, there are significant limitations to massively parallel sequencing approaches, particularly related to short read lengths of tens or hundreds of bases per read, and with an inability to read through low complexity areas of the genome.

PacBio SMRT Sequencing is a new technology with read lengths of thousands of bases per read. Recent publications suggest that this method is able to close and finish high-accuracy bacterial genomes with automated software rather than requiring additional manual efforts. The read length is also beneficial to analysis of targeted genomic areas that are difficult or impossible to sequence using any other commercially available technology. Additionally, one may use SMRT Sequencing to study a variety of chemical modifications to DNA that can affect biochemical processes such as gene expression, replication and DNA repair.

This presentation will cover PacBio's SMRT Sequencing approach, which is a single-molecule analysis technology that can supplement or replace Sanger and massively parallel short-read sequencing approaches by addressing their limitations. Topics include:
- How the sequence of single molecules may be read
- The high read length and accuracy of single molecule sequencing
- Application of the features of SMRT Sequencing to genome assembly and targeted sequencing experiments
- Direct detection of chemically modified DNA bases and methylomes

About the Speaker:
Robert Tapella - Product Manager at Pacific Biosciences
Rob has over ten years of experience working in the biotechnology cluster of Silicon Valley. His experience spans genomics software to consumables and instrumentation at companies such as Applied Biosystems and Illumina. As product manager at Pacific Biosciences, Rob is managing development of the PacBio RS II System as well as analysis software for bacterial methylation and other base modification research.

Rob is a graduate of Cornell University, and did his Masters degree at Keck Graduate Institute, a multidisciplinary graduate school for the bioscience industry. The program combines business with study in biology, drug development, medical devices and diagnostics, intellectual property issues, regulatory affairs, and bioethics.

<2013.8> ASEANは2015年に統合に向けて動き出しています。更にASEANとEU間の連携が強まりつつあり、新しい枠組みでの交流発展が模索されています。EU Centre in Singapore. のDirector, Dr Yeo Lay Hweeの論文を紹介します。

We have a new working paper titled “The EU And ASEAN – In Search Of A New Regional Paradigm?” by Dr Yeo Lay Hwee, Director, EU Centre in Singapore.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been seen as a relatively successful regional organisation in the developing world and has often been compared to the European Union (EU), the most successful model of regional integration thus far. As ASEAN approaches the 2015 deadline for the ASEAN Community project while Europe grapples with the aftermath of the Eurocrisis, it is worth considering the journey these two organisations have taken so far and ponder the road ahead.

This Working Paper seeks to provide a comparative overview of regionalism in the EU and ASEAN, incorporates analysis of external forces and internal dynamics shaping the respective regional processes, sketches the global trends that could impact regional developments in Europe and Asia and examines whether both organisations would need a new approach or paradigm to maintain their relevance in this 21st century world.

Another activity – EURAXESS Science Slam ASEAN 2013 invites all young researchers of any nationality and from any academic discipline, residing in ASEAN, to submit a 3-minute video (in English) to showcase their projects. The deadline for submission is Sunday, 18th August 2013.

If you have an idea that you’re passionate about and would like to present to the world, please don’t miss this opportunity to participate in this year’s EURAXESS Science Slam. Come out on top and the prize will be a free trip to Brussels to participate in the EURAXESS Voice of the Researchers Conference in November 2013!

The EURAXESS Science Slam ASEAN 2013 is organised by the EURAXESS Link ASEAN and supported by the European Commission. EURAXESS Link is an information and networking tool that aims to provide researchers with an important resource for European research, to maintain the link of Europe with European and non-European researchers, scientists and scholars in ASEAN and to stimulate scientific cooperation between Europe and ASEAN. This year’s EURAXESS Science Slam is an inaugural event that aims to raise the awareness of research and scientific cooperation between Europe and ASEAN.

We encourage all researchers to participate. All you have to do is to make that video and post your video online at the EURAXESS Facebook page, Linkedin or send the link to your video to asean@euraxess.net. A jury will then select 5 finalists to compete in the finals to be held at the Paulaner Brauhaus at Millenia Walk, Singapore in front of a live audience on 25 September.

More details on the Science Slam can be found on the slam trailer and at the Science Slam website ; For more details on EURAXESS Links ASEAN, please go to http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index.cfm/links/eurRes/asean/ .

Yours Sincerely
European Union Centre in Singapore
11 Slim Barracks Rise, #06-01 Executive Centre,
NTU@one-north campus, Singapore 138664
Tel: +65 6513 2003

<2013.07.20> 医療の質の向上と医療従事者の教育を目的とするAcademia Medicineのオープニングセレモニーがありました。President Tony Tanも出席されました。


Officially opened on 20 July 2013 by His Excellency President Tony Tan, the 13-storey purpose-built Academia houses Singapore General Hospital’s (SGH) pathology services and SingHealth’s research, education and training facilities in two towers. As the latest addition to SingHealth, Academia is a clear visual demonstration of the SingHealth group as an Academic Healthcare Cluster and a testament of SingHealth’s transformational journey to better patient care.

With a goal to pursue innovation and transform patient care delivery, Academia combines the best clinical and research capabilities to discover new and better treatment care for patients.

Designed to provide close proximity between research, diagnostic and education facilities within one state-of-the-art complex, Academia facilitates interconnectivity between clinician scientists, researchers, pathologists, educators and medical students, harnessing strengths to inspire better healthcare delivery.

Located close to clinical services on the SGH Campus and Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Academia, with three floors dedicated to education and training, will provide healthcare staff with access to simulated environments as well as education and skills laboratories to hone their clinical and surgical skills, nursing care and life support skills.

<2013.6.1> アジアメディカルセンター内に医療機器開発部門がスタートしました。詳細は追ってホームページに掲載されます。


シンガポール規制当局、Healthcare Sciences Authority (HSA)からの認証獲得は、ルーチン化した作業となるまでに整備されました。 http://www.hsa.gov.sg/publish/hsaportal/en/home.html#page=tab1

<2013.6> アジアメディカルセンター代表からのメッセージ

ご 挨 拶

アジアメディカルセンター(AMC)は、この4月で公式発足から1年を迎えました。組織の本格的オペレーションがスタートしたのは昨年7月からであることを考えると、この短期間に非常に多くの方々とお知り合いになり、皆様方のアジア(一部アフリカ)進出をご支援させて頂くことができたことを大変嬉しく思っております。これらの活動が可能になった背景には、私共の活動にご賛同頂けたシンガポール、日本両国からの有形無形の多大なるご支援があったからにほかなりません。特に、シンガポール科学技術研究庁(Agency for Science, Technology and Research: A*STAR)のBiomedical Research Council (BMRC), Biomedical Science Institute (BMSI), A*STAR-Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Neuroscience Research Partnership (NRP)の皆様方には多大なるご理解とご支援を頂きました。 更には、思いを同じにする日本企業の皆様、シンガポール、日本両国の医師の皆様、弁護士/弁理士の方々、AMCサポータの皆様と、AMCが最も大変であった時期に、常に変わらずご支援頂きましたこと深く感謝すると共に、深く御礼申し上げます。




代表 尾崎美和子

<2013.05.30> シンガポールの地場産業(特に精密機器)強化のためにシンガポールとUKが連携しました。特に、高い技術力を要する生体埋め込み型デバイスに焦点を当てています。

Singapore-UK Partnership aims to grow local medtech industry

Singapore, 30 May 2013:The Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), a research institute of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), and the University of Leeds of United Kingdom inked a Memorandum of Understanding today. The alliance aims to collaborate on the R&D of innovative medical devices in mutually identified areas such as lab on chips, medical implants and implantable devices which include innovative joint replacements and biological scaffolds for cardiovascular and musculoskeletal tissue regeneration to improve quality of life.

2. Leveraging on SIMTech’s core capabilities in manufacturing research to develop technologies relevant to the future needs of the medical devices manufacturing industry, this partnership stimulates Medtech innovations to help grow the medical device industry in Singapore. The Medtech industry is a growing market for the local precision engineering and components manufacturers. When equipped with the relevant capabilities, these industry clusters can diversify into the Medtech industry. As such, these sectors and medical professionals are expected to benefit from the co-operation and knowledge transfer.

3. The Singapore Medtech sector targets to achieve S$5 billion in manufacturing output by 2015, having grown from S$1.5 billion in 2000 to about S$4.3 billion in 2011. Over the same period, its manpower base more than doubled from about 4,000 to 9,000. The combination of an ageing population and growing affluence are fuelling the demand for high quality Medtech products. This presents tremendous opportunities for the local precision engineering companies and global Medtech companies to extend their presence in Singapore to address the healthcare needs in this region. Singapore is home to more than 30 Medtech companies which have set up commercial-scale plants to produce medical devices for the regional and global markets. In addition, all of the top 10 Medtech companies have their regional headquarters in Singapore, from which to drive business expansion in Asia (Source: Singapore Economic Development Board, 2012).

4. The collaboration with the University of Leeds, well known for its research in medical and biological engineering, will help to fill the gap between material and engineering research to translate research outcomes from the lab to manufacturing readiness. It will also boost the exchange of experience, knowledge and information; engagements of specialists / students for study and consultation and interactions between academia/researchers in both institutions. Funding opportunities, shared use of facilities, academic collaboration and joint organisation of scientific events will also be explored.

5. Dr Lim Ser Yong, Executive Director of SIMTech commented, “The collaboration is a synergistic platform to translate medical science breakthroughs and innovations to effective and affordable medical devices by leveraging on engineering and manufacturing research capabilities of both institutions. With SIMTech’s precision engineering and high value manufacturing capabilities coupled with a strong industry partnership track record, the institute is able to optimise its integrated technology capabilities in process, automation and manufacturing systems to grow the local Medtech industry.”

6. Professor John Fisher, Director of the Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering at the University of Leeds commented “We have seen a significant increase in demand for medical devices that is driven by the needs of the ageing population and an expectation for increased reliability and performance. The collaboration with SIMTech provides an excellent opportunity to support the development of medical devices that will more clinically and cost effectively match implant function and therapy to patient need. The Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering at Leeds University is well positioned with the world’s largest pre-clinical simulation facilities to determine the long-term performance of medical implants and an extensive experience of successful research translation and exploitation. This provides a highly complementary platform for long-term collaboration with colleagues at SIMTech.”

<2013.05.20> 大阪大学中之島センターにて、 医療国際シンポジウム「第2回医療と産業の国際交流シンポジウム in 関西」が開催されました。

日時  : 5月20日(月) シンポジウム18:00~20:30/交流会20:40~21:40

場所  : 大阪大学中之島センター http://www.onc.osaka-u.ac.jp/center/introduction/index.php

第1部 シンンポジウム

演者 :経済産業省商務情報政策局ヘルスケア産業課 福島洋課長

タイトル:関西の底力を結集して世界へ ~関西イノベーション国際戦略総合特区をはじめとする医療・福祉分野での各地域活性化の取り組み~」
演者 :内閣官房地域活性化統合事務局 長谷川新次長

演者 :アジアメディアカルセンター 尾崎美和子代表

第2部 情報交換会

会場:9F 交流サロン「サロン・ド・ラミカル」

「第2回 医療と産業の国際交流シンポジウム in関西」

本年1月開催の「第1回 医療と産業の国際交流シンポジウムin関西」に引き続き、「第2回 医療と産業の国際交流シンポジウムin関西」が、5月20日(月)大阪大学中之島センターで開催されました。平日の夕方開催にも関わらず120名を超える皆様のご参加を得て前回同様の満席開催となりました。


 -経済産業省 商務情報政策局 ヘルスケア産業課長   福島 洋様
 -内閣官房 地域活性化統合事務局 次長   長谷川 新様
 -アジアメディカルセンター(シンガポール)代表   尾崎 美和子様




長谷川新様からは「関西の底力を結集して世界へ~イノベーション国際戦略総合特区など医療・福祉分野での地域活性化の胎動~」と題して、国際競争に打ち勝つためには先端医療を積極的に育てて行くと同時に、総合特区を成長させて行く必要があると国が考えていることについてご講演いただきました。 具体的には成長戦略の一つである総合特区が、規制の特例や経済的支援を伴う「民と公総がかり」、「地域と国総がかり」の国際競争・地域活性化戦略であり、関西では、医薬品、医療機器、先端医療技術、先制医療などのイノベーション・プラットフォームを築く国際戦略総合特区が京阪神6府県市共同で進行中であること、そしてその最大目標は世界市場でのシェア倍増であるという力強い内容です。その実現にむけて規制・制度を今こそイノベーションの障害から促進力に変える必要があり、多様な企業や公的機関が密接に連携し、地域資源を最大限に有効活用することが最も重要であり、超高齢化の課題を世界に先駆けて解決し、世界の範となるための戦略が重要であるとご講演頂きました。

尾崎美和子様からは「産業としての医療」と題して、既にシンガポールでは、医療は産業として成り立っていること、その成り立ちから現在の発展状況やこれまでの日本での「医療産業」の捉え方との違いについてご自身のシンガポールでの活動経験をもとに具体的にご提示いただきました。 アジア諸国では、既に『医療』を産業と捉え様々なビジネスが展開されている、その理由は発展途上であった国を発展させていく原動力として、医療産業が最もリスクが低く、最良の選択であったことなど、日本の医療産業の捉え方との違いについても事例紹介をしていただきました。その先端を進むのがシンガポールであり、医療を産業として発展させることで国の負担をできるだけ小さくしつつ、医療を様々な形で様々な階層に提供出来ることが可能となっている、更に医療産業が医療技術(基盤技術をも含む)の進歩を急速に促す結果となっていること、そして何故日本では医療産業が成り立ち難いのか、何故日本はその他アジア周辺国にさえ追い抜かれているのか、国民皆保険制度の功罪とともに、医療サービスの差別化をすることが医療を産業として発展していくためには必要不可欠な事であることを、アジアメディカルセンターでの活動実績をもとに具体的にご提示いただき、参加者全員にとって示唆に富む盛りだくさんのご講演でした。



(文責 理事 木村 修)

<2013.04.19~20> 神戸ポートピアホテルにて、Asia CORD 2013が開催されました。
テーマは ” New Perspectives in Mesenchymal Stem Cell Research" でした。

   〒650-0046 神戸市中央区港島中町6丁目10-1

 準備事務局 責任者 長村登紀子
 同     事務担当 中野

asiacord2013@crmsa.or.jp  盛 http://www.asiacord.umin.jp

 神戸バイオテクノロジー(BT) センター207号
 同・千葉事務所:学会運営事務局合同会社 担当:中野

office.chiba@crmsa.or.jp   http://crmsa.or.jp

<AsiaCORD2013_Program 130406.pdf>
<AsiaCORD2013 _General Info.pdf>

<2013.04.12> Grand Park City Hall, SingaporeにてOmics in the Clinic Conference Series 2013 - Singaporeが開催されました。


A*STAR Chairman Lim Chuan Poh, Biomedical Research Council Executive Director Benjamin Seet, Biomedical Research Council Director of Industry Development Jonathan Kua, Genome Institute of Singapore Executive Director Ng Huck Hui, EDBI Executive Vice President, Corporate Finance & Planning, Eugene Khoo, Economic Development Board Head of Medical Technology Lim Tse Yong, Fluidigm Co- founder, President and Chief Executive Officer Gajus Worthington, Fluidigm Executive Vice President, Research & Development Robert Jones, and Fluidigm Executive Vice President, Worldwide Manufacturing, and Managing Director of Fluidigm Singapore Grace Yow.

Press release - Official Opening GIS-Fluidigm SCOC 20130412 FINAL.pdf

Genomic medicine is expected to advance the way to predict and diagnose disease and individualize patient treatment. In order to improve the development of personalized medicine, the challenge relies on the integration of genomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics to achieve an integrative view of the biology of disease

Date: Friday, 12 April 2013
Time: 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Location: Grand Park City Hall, 10 Coleman St., Singapore 179809

Please join us in this all-day seminar where you will listen to international experts talk about how they are using different "omic" technologies to improve diagnosis and treatment of disease. Featured speakers include:

This seminar is free of charge but seating is limited, so please register below.

<Omics in the Clinic Conference Series Agenda_Singapore.pdf>

<2013.04.09~12> Singapore Expoにて、 MTA 2013 The Precision Engineering Industry Even が開催されました。

MTA2013 serves highly-complex industry verticals such as Aerospace, Electronics, Energy, Medical and Oil & Gas.
With the growing demand for fully integrated capabilities in the most demanding manufacturing environments and sophisticated processes to provide fast, reliable and highest level of precision, MTA 2013 gathers innovative technologies and cost effective solutions while optimising resources to deliver consistent performance.
Discover new technology trends and markets.
Gain new perspectives and stay relevant in this fast-moving marketplace./p>

Web Site: http://www.mta-asia.com

日時:4月9日(火)~12日(金) 10:30~18:00




<2013.04.06> Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Pathlight School Campusにて Autism Seminar Series 2013が開催されました。
世界自閉症啓発週間に当たり、国際自閉症学会(UK)ディレクター Richard Mills氏による基調講演がありました。

On behalf of the organizing committee of World Autism Awareness Week (WAAW), I would like to cordially invite you to our Autism Seminar Series.

This seminar is organized by students of Duke-NUS’ Benjamin Sheares College, in conjunction with Autism Association (Singapore), Autism Resource Centre (Singapore), Rainbow Centre and St. Andrew’s Autism Centre, as part of this year’s WAAW.

This year, we are honored to have with us Mr Richard Mills, Director of Research, The National Autistic Society, UK. Mr Mills will give a keynote address on the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guidance on Adults with Autism. This keynote address will then be followed by a series of two talks organized especially for medical professionals.

Details of the seminar are as follows:

Time: Saturday, 6 April 2013, 8am-1pm (Breakfast will be provided)

Venue: Pathlight School Campus 1, 5 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 S(569739)

特別講演 15:00~16:30

1) 'Autism - A Spectrum of Opportunities' by Dr Daniel Fung, Chairman, Medical Board, Institute of Mental Health
2) 'Caring for Children with Autism from a Professional Perspective' by Dr Chin Chee Hon, Consultant, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Mental Health

Participants will also have an opportunity to raise any questions at our joint panel discussion which will be held after the talks to wrap up the seminar meaningfully.

<Autism Seminar .pdf>

<2013.03.26> A*STARと株)富士通が都市開発事業でMOUを締結しました。



<2013.03.13> バイオポリスにて、Electron Microscopy Current Methods & Applications のセミナーが開催されました。

Location: Exploration Theatrette, Matrix Building Level 4, Biopolis, Singapore

Date & Time: 13th March 2013, 10 am to 5 pm

Organisers: IMB-IMCB Joint Electron Microscopy Suite

<Seminar 20130313a.pdf>

<2013.02.21> 日本臨床検査薬協会にてアジアメディカルセンター尾崎代表が「シンガポールを中心としたアジア医療機器開発と医療ビジネスの現状」の 講演を行いました。

日時  :  平成25年 2月21日(木) 14:00 より

場所  : 特別講演等の会場    東京シティ・エア・ターミナル
       総会後懇親会の会場   東京シティ・エア・ターミナル2F「龍鳳」

特別講演 15:00~16:30

1. 15:00~15:20
演者 :渋谷 豊彦 氏 (デンカ生研)

2. 15:30~16:30
演者 :尾崎 美和子氏(アジアメディカルセンター 代表)

懇親会  16:45 ~ 18:30

<2013.2.18> 神戸市医療産業都 市にてアジアメディカルセンター尾崎代 表が講演を行いました。神戸市議会議員 および行政担当者の 方々が参加されました。






<2013.1.26> 大阪にて、一般社団法人医療国際化推進機構の主催で「医療と産業の国際交流シンポジウム in 関西」が盛大に開催されました。


シンポジウムの第1部「医療国際化の先進事例紹介」では、中国・青島とインドネシア・ジャカルタ等で日本のケアサービスを展開されているロングライフホールディング株式会社社長の遠藤正一氏、経済産業省のプロジェクトでカンボジア初となる総合医科大学と付属病院の建設に尽力されている社団KNI 理事長北原茂実氏、アジア最大手の病院グループに資本参加された三井物産株式会社の医療サービス事業室長横山賀一氏の3名の講師の非常に興味深い講演がありました。


※一般社団法人医療国際化推進機構 http://imsaj.com/


Symposium in Kansai (pdf)

<2013.1.25> シンガポールでは、R&Dポテンシャルの底上げのため、優秀な若手研究者を世界中から集め、その教育とネットワーク作りを国を上げて実施しています。

Singapore National Research Foundationでは、世界中の優秀な若手研究者を積極的に集め支援しています。

1月末には、多数のノーベル賞受賞者がTop Universities Town (CREATE)に集結、若手研究者と交流を持ちました。http://www.nrf.gov.sg/nrf/uploadedFiles/2pp%20factsheet%20GYSS%2024May2012lores.pdf

16 bright young scientists win the Singapore NRF Fellowship Award 2013. 日本人が3名入りました。

<2013.1.23> 沖縄県より株)アキシオヘリックスが、シンガポール証券取引所への上場を目指しシンガポールへ本格進出します。

アキシオヘリックスは、救急医療、地域医療、在宅医療のための移動医療設備 (Dr. Car system) やITを駆使した通信システムの国際展開を実現しています。

<2013.1.14~16> Molecular Materials Meeting (M3) An international conference in Frontiers in Materials Science, Chemistry & Physicがバイオポリスにて開催されました。

3rd Molecular Materials Meeting (M3) @ Singapore

Organised by Singapore A*STAR’s Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), in partnership with other A*STAR institutes, research organisations and industries, the event, themed around molecular materials, welcomes leading researchers in chemistry, materials science, physics, biology, medicine, engineering etc. with the intention of developing cross-disciplinary and collaborative research ideas on the following themes:

1) New Catalysts and Catalytic Science

From fundamentals to application, this session covers all the research fields related to catalysis, represented by the use of catalysis for chemical synthesis, energy application, and green chemistry as well as development of new type of catalysts and catalytic reactions. It also includes mechanistic understanding of the catalysis experimentally and theoretically.

Topics include but are not limited to

• Catalysis in chemical synthesis
• Catalysis in energy transformation
• Environmental catalysis
• Biocatalysis
• Nanomaterials in catalysis
• Novel catalysts and catalytic reactions
• Structure and reaction mechanism
• Theoretical modeling

2) Soft Materials for Cosmetic and Health Care

From fundamentals to application, this session covers all the research fields related to soft materials for cosmetic and health care, represented by application of soft materials for rheology modification, improvement of deposition of active ingredients, encapsulation and delivery of active ingredients of cosmetic and species (drugs, DNA, RNA and cell) for health care, beauty care, and bioimaging. It also includes the fundamental understanding of the performance of soft materials for cosmetic and health care experimentally and theoretically.

Topics include but are not limited to

• Soft materials for rheology modification
• Soft materials for deposition of active species
• Soft materials for encapsulation of active ingredients of cosmetics
• Soft materials for drug/DNA/RNA/cell delivery
• Soft materials for beauty care
• Soft materials for bioimaging
• Soft materials colloids science

3) Electrochemical Energy Conversion, Storage Materials & Technology

It will provide an international forum to discuss recent progress in electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices. Papers are solicited on fundamental and applied aspects of all types of batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells and other new energy storage and conversion systems including aqueous, non-aqueous, polymer electrolyte, ionic liquid, and solid electrolyte systems.

Topics include but are not limited to

• New materials and designs
• New characterisation technologies
• Synthesis and characterisation
• Materials processing and engineering
• Structure and reaction mechanism
• Performance studies
• Durability and safety
• Theoretical modeling

4) Materials for Advanced Sensors and Transducers

Smart functional materials with structure controlled at nano-scale and molecular level often exhibit notable and even extraordinary responses to the presence of various stimuli or to the changes happening in the environment. They possess many inherent and unique signal and energy conversion mechanisms, which are particularly valuable for realizing high performance sensing, detection, and energy transduction functions. The advanced sensors and transducers derived from the materials with the structures appropriately tailored at nano-scale and molecular level can be applied to meet the increasing demands for condition monitoring, health care, system intelligence, precision engineering, and the development of various sustainable technologies. Contributions on the smart materials and materials–critical sensors and transducers are invited.

Topics include but are not limited to

• Smart materials with signal and energy conversion functions;
• Nano-scale and molecular structures with responses to stimuli and ambient changes;
• Sensing and actuation mechanisms in materials;
• Ferroics, piezoelectrics, fluorescences, plasmonics, and phase transitions and THz in smart materials;
• Applications of materials for sensing, detection, actuation, and energy transduction;
• Materials-critical sensors, actuators, and transducers, and their applications.

5) Lanthanide-doped Luminescence Nanomaterials

6) Interface Engineering for Devices

View schedule of Molecular Materials Meeting (M3): 3rd M3 Program - 14 Jan 13.pdf

<2013.1.14> 東京女子医科大学、平孝臣先生による「Advances in Functional Neurosurgery」の講演がありました。

Date: 14 Jan, 2013
Time: 2pm-3pm
Venue: Committee Room 1, Level3, Women's Tower, KK Women's and Children's Hospital

Advances in Functional Neurosurgery flyer

Note: 今年のWorld Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery は日本で開催されます。

<2013.1.4> 独立行政法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO) グラント「環境・医療分野の国際研究開発・実証プロジェクト/シンガポールにおける国際共同研究開発・実証」において、AMC参画の下記の2つが採択されました。

■ メンタルヘルス状態計測の研究開発・実証
■ 極細径複合型光ファイバによる生体情報計測システムの研究開発・実証





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