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11 Biopolis Way Helios,
#10-12, Singapore 138667

61 Biopolis Drive, Proteos,
#04-08 Singapore 138673

  • ・1階セキュリティカウンターにて、訪問サインインを行なってください
  • ・パスポート、またはシンガポール政府発行の身分証明書を持参ください
  • Drive along North Buona Vista Road on the side where the Ministry of Education building is located.
  • Turn into North Buona Vista Drive. Follow the road straight ahead until you see a traffic junction.
    The Proteos building is located ahead of the junction, on your left.
  • Basement parking facilities are available (Cashcard payment). Look out for Carpark Entrance A on your right as you are driving along North Buona Vista Drive. Turn right into the carpark and drive down to Basement Level 3. Park at the Purple zones labelled “Helios” or “Proteos” .
  • Take the passenger lift up from Basement Level 3 to Level 1, Helios or Proteos Lobby.
  • From Buona Vista MRT station, walk across the Overhead Bridge. Take the Biopolis Shuttle Bus from the bus stop just outside Ministry of Education and alight outside Proteos.
  • More information about the Biopolis Shuttle Bus Service can be found here



14 Robinson Road #08-01A, Far East Finance Building, Singapore 048545.

  • 初めて進出をお考えの方